Savannah Cofer

Savannah Cofer
  • Gahanna, OH
  • Columbus Academy

As a 5th grader, Savannah was greatly disappointed to learn that her brother was building campfires and shooting rifles in Boy Scouts while she had participated in sing-alongs and arts and crafts in Girl Scouts. The next summer, Savannah decided to offer a robotics workshop to local Girl Scout members. She watched the participants gain confidence and become robotics enthusiasts. Each year, Savannah’s robotics workshop has reached more and more Girl Scouts in Central Ohio. She even offers a specialized robotics workshop to the Ohio School for the Blind. Savannah’s workshops now reaches underprivileged communities in Newark, OH. She explains that she is “building the enthusiasm for engineering across gender, racial, and socioeconomic boundaries.”

Scholarships Awarded: 2016 Greg Goff Leadership Awards