- Minneapolis, MN
- Minnehaha Academy, Class of 2019
As president of her school's earth club, Maddie lead a group of passionate students in projects to make their school significantly more environmentally friendly. These projects included implementing a reusable water bottle system so that students can keep a reusable water bottle at school and hanging signs so that students were aware of the consequences of not taking care of the planet. Additional projects included implementing recyclable lunch trays, organic waste pickup, and an on-site shipping crate "farm" so that the school can reduce the adverse environmental impacts of having vegetables delivered.
On top of her work with her school's earth club, Maddie is the founder and CEO of a non-profit clothing company called I Heart Clean Water which advocates for awareness of the dangers unrecycled plastic poses to the world's oceans. She does this through community education, public speaking events, and selling clothing. I Heart Clean Water is committed to fostering the growth of the next generation and does this by employing only students, as well as printing clothing at Juxtaposition Arts which mentors children from underprivileged neighborhoods so that they can gain art skills.