NSHSS Visual Arts Competition 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school students
Scholarship Awards:
- 1st prize: USD $1,000
- 2nd prize: USD $500
- 3rd prize: USD $250
Awards will be presented to students with the top submissions in the two categories below:
- Photography/Digital Photography
- Painting/Drawing/Mixed Media/Digital Art
- Examples of artwork for this category include painting, drawing, ceramics, glass, sculpture, mixed media, printmaking, and weaving
*All pieces of work must be submitted in digital file and uploaded to your application.
Application Requirements:
- Title and description of your submission (up to 200 words)
- Digital files of your artwork uploaded to the application
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
All submissions must be the student’s original work.
*Students have the option to apply to both categories. Applying to both categories does not improve your chances for winning; all submissions will be judged based on quality and uniqueness of work. Only one entry per category is allowed. Students are only eligible to win one NSHSS Scholarship per academic year.
Open Date: March 15, 2018
Close Date: May 15, 2019
By submitting your work to us, you are giving NSHSS and its partners, affiliates, and licensees the non-exclusive right to publish your work in any format, including print, electronic, and online media. However, all individual contributors to NSHSS retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere, and you have our permission to do so.