How I Got Into My Dream US School Scholarship 2019
Eligibility Requirements: International students currently attending a US university and international high school seniors who plan on attending college in the United States.
Scholarship Award: USD $1,000
This scholarship is for international applicants to share their experiences getting into their first-choice US college. This may include first-hand tips, guidance, and advice from students who have successfully joined the ranks of their dream schools and wish to help others by sharing their own journey to college acceptance in the US.
Application Requirements:
- Detailed write-up in 2,500 words of your experience from high school through your acceptance to a U.S. college based on questions provided (see below)
- Resume
- Transcript
- Head shot suitable for website posting
- Educator recommendation
- Copy of college application materials (including college application essay and why you selected the topic)
- Applicants may be requested to submit a video of no more than 4 minutes introducing yourself and sharing your path to college acceptance
Questions to consider for your personal statement - organize and present as you wish:
- When did you start thinking about and preparing for college?
- How did you choose your dream school (what resources, guidance, college trips, etc.)?
- What factors led you to choose your particular school?
- What is your major or intended major and how did this factor into your school selection?
- How involved were your high school counselors in the process?
- To what extent were parents or guardians involved in your guidance and school selection?
- To which other schools did you apply?
- Were you focused on Ivy League schools or not?
- What did you do in high school to prepare academically (AP courses, honors, IB courses, additional tutoring, etc.)?
- Did you visit colleges and college fairs and/or take virtual college tours?
- Did you change your mind about what you originally thought was your dream school after learning more or visiting?
- Application process - share your successful college application essay, how long you spent on it, and how you selected the topic
- Time management - how did you keep up with deadlines?
- Is there anything in the process you would have done differently?
- Do you have one over-riding piece of advice to share?
- Are you aware of any personal factors that may have tipped the scales in your favor? (legacy, financial need, geography, major, ethnicity, gender, first generation college student)
Open Date: April 1, 2019
Close Date: July 15, 2019