Greg Goff Leadership Awards Application Now Open

Greg Goff Leadership Awards Application Now Open

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  • Greg Goff Leadership Awards Application Now Open

Date: Friday, September 20, 2013

Greg Goff, CEO of Tesoro Corporation, is sponsoring five $2,000 college scholarships through the National Society of High School Scholars Foundation for students who demonstrate outstanding leadership. The awards are established to help encourage and recognize young leaders and to help invest in their higher education.


The application is open to all high school seniors graduating in 2014 with a minimum GPA of 3.0. The application is open to students worldwide.

Scholarship funds will be sent to the university where the student enrolls and can be used for tuition, books, room and board, or other college-related expenses. The scholarship funding is for the freshman year in college and is non-renewable.

Application Requirements

  • Personal response of up to 500 words answering one of two questions provided on application
  • Transcript
  • Educator recommendation
  • Resume of honors and awards, leadership activities, community service activities, extra-curricular activities
  • Photo

Application Deadline

October 31, 2013

Complete the online application here.